Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Trot

The CU Turkey Trot yesterday did not go so well for me. The third or so was excellent. I flew through the first mile in 5:45. I didn't believe them when they called off my time. It felt like I was going through at about 6:30, not because I felt slow, but because it felt so easy, as though I were floating along, not putting forth any serious effort at all.

Then, at a little over a mile, I took a turn at speed, and something twinged in my left calf. It took about 100 meters more to decide to listen to that little voice inside my head (sounding remarkably like my sister's) that said "this race isn't worth it" and pull out. I think I made the right call, in fact I'm certain I did, but it doesn't make it suck any less.

On the plus side, probably because I pulled out so promptly, my calf barely twinges at all today, and I should be able to do my normal Saturday morning long run tomorrow. This is good, considering that this week I am the one organizing it. There's no official training group meeting this Saturday, but a bunch of people wanted to meet any way. So I decided to set up a time and place where I would be, and let people know.

Here's hoping people show up. I know Jessica will at the very least.

I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post. If I did, I'm sorry for repeating myself. I woke up on Wednesday morning to five inches of snow on the ground (with a race the next day). It seems that winter has chosen to make his presence known in Boulder . . . Now come the days of tights, hats, and Yak Trax

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