Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Break the Stigma + Weekly Summaries.

I heard about the Break the Stigma project through the Upper Midwest Trail Runners last spring, shortly after the project was founded. It stuck a chord with me. The goal is to break the stigma attached to mental illness. 

Over my lifetime, I have known, and still know, many people who suffer anxiety and depression. And without fail they feel a stigma, or shame, associated with the conditions. I think that’s horrible, quite frankly. I suffer from very occasional anxiety, but have never had trouble with depression myself. But I have seen at least some of what people who suffer from mental illnesses go through, and attaching any stigma to the struggle they already go through is disgusting. 

Do I understand anxiety and depression? 

Of course I don’t. It’s not something I have personal experience with. But attaching a stigma to it is beyond the pall. 

So I’m happy to support this group, and, assuming my applications fall through, will happily run in their shirt next year. 

On to the weekly summaries.

Week Ending 11/23

Full core/upper body circuit
Partial leg/glute/dynamic power circuit
Full core/upper body circuit
Full leg/glute/dynamic power circuit. Introduced the stability disk exercises today. This is going to really help my running if I can keep the cycle going. 
Full core/upper body circuit. Still recovering from the workout yesterday. My hamstrings are still sore from all the lunges yesterday.
Full core/upper body workout with full leg/glute/dynamic power circuit. 

Week Ending 11/30
2.75 miles, 22 minutes of running + Full core/upper body circuit.
Full leg/glute/dynamic power circuit. This is already getting easier.
2.75 miles, 23 minutes of running + full core/upper body circuit.
2 miles walking. Turkey day.
3 miles, 30 minutes running around Duluth. 2 miles hiking around Duluth. 
1 mile beach walk. 


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