I woke up this morning to four inches of snow on my deck, and the snow still coming down pretty well. Took a look at the temperature: 1 degree F. While the pic above was not from this morning (I believe that was Tuesday last week), it captures some of the essence of what it looked like outside this morning.
My friend Jessica and I had planned on doing a Flagstaff run this morning, but with the snow and cold, that didn't seem likely, so we took to the creek path, along with seemingly every other runner out this morning.
It ended up being an absolutely fantastic run. We took it pretty slow, chatting and, yes, gossiping as runners inevitably will. Maybe I'll write a post about that some time. It seems to be a universal truth about runners. In any case, since the creek path is always the first area plowed in Boulder, seemingly every runner in Boulder was out on the path this morning.
And nobody else.
All the guys who had any sort of facial hair had a frosting of white around their mouths. My eyebrows kept freezing to my sunglasses (ouch). And everybody seemed to be having a fantastic time, shouting out hellos to anybody they did, or didn't, know. I love it when runners are happy, and they certainly were this morning.
That's a self-portrait following the run today. I haven't actually had the time to shave lately, since I've been so swamped with finish up my semester at CU. I'm kind of glad of it today, though. What would this post be without that picture?
Now, unfortunately, it's back to work. 1.5 exams down (I had a 3.5 hour monster yesterday) 0.5 exams and 1 final project to go . . . Wednesday can't come soon enough.
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